Terms Of Service

1. No Refunds

We, Ace Nails team, always ask if everything is ok at each step hence we believe we give ample opportunities for the customer to raise any issues or to tell us to fix something so everything is perfect before they leave the salon.  This is why we ask you to check your nails thoroughly before payment, as we have a strict NO refund policy on any completed service. We are not liable for your nails once you leave our salon. 

2.  Appointments

We are an extremely busy salon, and our appointment system is there as a guide only. During peak hours of the salon, it is mandatory to have a booking. Without an appointment booked prior, it is nearly impossible to come in without one. We understand that sometimes appointments can go longer than expected and these things are often out of our control. We do sincerely apologise if you are waiting. If you have an appointment booked with us, rest assured you WILL be served as soon as we possibly can get to you. 

3. Deposits

Deposits can only be rescheduled if given over 2 hours notice, and can only be rescheduled once. Deposits are not transferable to others. Deposits are made to secure your appointment and are deductible from the total at the time of your appointment. 

4. No-show

Ace Nails has a very strict “no-show” policy. If the customer fails to provide sufficient notice to reschedule or cancel, the booking will be forfeited and the customer will be charged the full amount of the appointment made. 2 no-shows will equate to the customer being prohibited from making any future online bookings at our salon, they may only enter as a walk-in. Please value our time and business.

5. Late arrival

We will wait 15 minutes for you, however past 15 minutes will mean we have to forfeit your booking. If you come after 15 minutes, you have the option to wait until another nail tech is available.

6. Fix Nails

We offer to fix nails up to 1 day after your appointment. Beyond that, we do not fix for free. Fixing is only for the same design, designs cannot be changed. We only do the nail shape, length and design that you, the customer, tell us to do. So please, choose carefully as we don't fix or change designs because you have decided you didn't like the design you chose. 

7. Conduct & Behaviour

Ace Nails staff conduct in a professional and courteous manner - and we expect our customers to reciprocate that respect. There will be NO: sleeping on the mani table, talking loudly on the phone, eating at the table, swearing and shouting, smoking/vaping/alcohol consumption and any rude, unkind or discriminatory behaviour or remarks. We have the right to refuse service where we see fit.

8. Prices

The prices on the booking system are approximate. The booking system is to allow us to distinguish who has made the time to reserve with us and who has not. You will only pay for what you actually have done on the day, regardless of what was booked in the system. Additionally, we reserve the right to change the prices of our services and products without notice and at our own discretion. (Public holidays incur automatic 10% surcharge)

9. No Pets

For hygiene reasons of the salon services as well as the safety of the animal/occupants within the salon. 

10. Young Children/s

Young children must be accompanied and minded properly as our salon has dangerous chemicals and equipment. We want to keep everyone safe, especially children.

11. Salon Property

Please be careful within our salon, our salon is new and we would like to maintain it as best as possible. Any property of the salon that is broken/damaged by the customer, has to be paid for by the customer. 

12. Customer Belongings

Please take care of your own belongings as we are not liable for any damages to your things. 

13. Reactions

Ace Nails is not under any circumstance responsible for any allergic/ adverse reactions to products or methods used. 

14. Privacy & Confidentiality

All information taken is stored privately, and is viewed by Ace Nails Team only for record keeping purposes. Please be aware that our salon is under 24 hour surveillance. 

15. Terms Of Service

Our terms of service are absolutely non-negotiable.